Wednesday, January 25, 2012

#5 Raise Your Voice

You use your voice every day, from talking on the phone to singing in the shower. However, when it comes to school assignments, if you’re like me, you probably prefer getting a root canal to raising your hand and participating in class. However, I am here to tell you that you probably won't get much out of AP Lang if you do just that. Actively participating in AP Lang is critical to your success because, by contributing to the class discussion, not only do you demonstrate you are interested in the topic, but that you also understand what is being discussed.

As posted in #4, the AP Lang class structure includes seminars, which means that you have to speak and share your thoughts.  Don’t panic; you won’t have to wax on endlessly. These seminars are more like having a lively discussion amongst friends.  Of course, it doesn’t hurt if you can offer interesting observations that are relevant to the topic being discussed. Besides, if you don’t think you have anything particularly salient to add, you can always ask questions instead.

You will also create class notes, although not your typical class notes. “What?”, you may ask yourself, “Is this person talking about?”  Well, in AP Lang, the notes you take come from the discussions you create with other students in class. This way, you get the benefit of everyone’s contribution to the subject and they get the benefit of you speaking up.

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